Friday, August 31, 2012

Interview Series: Part Five - Follow-Up

As you probably know, once you've had a job interview the endless waiting begins.  You will wonder how you did, how you compared to the other candidates, and when will you find out when the decision is made.

After your interview, always make sure to get the contact information for the people you've interviewed with.  That will give you the opportunity to follow up once the interview is done.

The first step to following up is thanking the person for the interview.  You can send them an email stating how much you enjoyed meeting them and that you're looking forward to knowing their decision.  It's also a great idea to send a thank you card in the mail.  This is a nice personal touch that may help the interviewer make a decision in your favor, especially if they're having a hard time deciding between you and another candidate.  Whatever method you decide to use, make sure to take action within 24 hours of the interview, especially if you're sending something through the mail.  This may seem like an old-fashioned technique but it will always make you stand out from the other candidates.

The second step to following up is finding out whether a decision has been made.  Don't bombard the interviewer will emails right away.  You will come off as desperate and/or annoying and that won't win you any favors.  Try waiting at least a week or two from your interview to send a quick email reminding them of how much you enjoyed meeting them and how you're curious if a decision has been reached. 

Never call the interviewer unless specifically asked to.  You never know how busy their schedule is and if you're calling them you might be viewed as pushy.  Always try to follow up with an email unless you are told it's okay to call them.

By sending the interviewer a thank you note or follow up email, you'll remind them of who you are and your meeting with them.  In a sea of candidates, this can bring you to the interviewer's attention and may help you get hired.

How soon do you usually follow up with an interview?  What sort of responses have you received by sending them a thank you note/email?  Please share with us in your comments below.

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