Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dealing With a Difficult Coworker

On Monday, we talked about dealing with a difficult boss.  Today we want to address another issue that can come up at work and that's dealing with a difficult coworker.

Unfortunately, most workplaces have someone that is known to be a nuisance.  Either that person is a bully, they love to cause drama (or bring their own drama to work), or they are an incessant gossip.  None of these scenarios are good and they can create a lot of problems in the workplace.

The main problem is that if you don't deal with the situation, it will continue and probably get worse.  So what's the best way to handle this?

You could start by approaching the person directly.  Some may not be comfortable doing this but if you can handle it calmly and professionally, it may be a good idea to schedule a meeting with that person.  Explain to them that there actions are disruptive and see if they're responsive to your suggestions.

If that doesn't work or if it's something you're not comfortable with, try talking to your boss.  They may or may not be aware of the situation but the fact that you've taken the time to talk to them about it should signal that something needs to be done.  You may also want to talk with other coworkers and let them know your plans.  Your boss may want to talk with other staff members and if they know what's taking place they may be more open in their responses.

If you still see that nothing's being done, you may want to schedule a meeting with someone in your HR department.  While they may not have an immediate solution, they may provide you with some ways to cope with the situation until more serious action is taken.

You spend most of your waking, adult life at work.  Don't let one person or situation control your happiness and overall well being.  By taking calm, professional steps, you can find a solution that will make your work life easier.

Have you had to deal with a difficult coworker?  How did you handle it?  What was the outcome?  Please share your stories with us in the comment section below.

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