Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Interview Series: Part Three - Interview Questions You May Be Asked

One of the most nerve-wracking things about going on a job interview is not knowing what to expect.  You don't really know the people who you'll be interviewing with and if your personality will match with theirs. 
The one thing you can prepare for is the questions that they may ask while you are there.  While there's no way to predict exactly what questions you'll be asked, there are some standard questions that come up in most interviews.  
We've listed a few of them here:
1. Why are you looking for a job?
2. Why are you leaving your current job?
3. Why are you interested in our company?
4. Describe your ideal position?
5. Where you do see yourself in five years?
6. What are your strengths?
7. What are your weaknesses?
8. Describe your greatest accomplishment.
9. What do you like best about your current/last position?
10. How do you handle stress?
11. How do you handle a problem or difficult situation?
12. Describe how you would handle a difficult co-worker/employee.
13. Describe how you stay organized.

Again, you may not be asked all of these questions, but having a good idea of how you might answer them will give you an edge over your competition.  Answering job interview questions correctly can be one of the keys to a successful job interview and to getting the job you deserve.

What kinds of questions have you been asked on a job interview?  Please share with us in the comments below.

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